πŸ‚πŸŒ³New Launching πŸŒ³πŸ‚
_The Most Prestigious Project_
_At Nagoya_

*Foresta Hills*
_Where Luxury and Nature Thrives_

Foresta Hills offers a prestigious residential experience that harmoniously blends _*luxury, nature, and urban convenience._*

Embrace the beauty of nature indulge in the vast green expanse surrounds *Foresta Hills*.

Available Type :
🌱 192/120 (8 x 15)
🌱 238/196 (8 x 24.5)
🌱 238/200 (8 x 25)
🌱 268/208 (8 x 26)
🌱 308/245 (10 x 24.5)

Cara Bayar :
πŸƒ Cash Keras sd 12x
πŸƒ Cash Bertahap sd 60x
πŸƒ KPR Cicil DP sd 24x

Location :
πŸ“3 mins to Nagoya Hills Mall
πŸ“3 mins to Nagoya Thamrin Food Plaza
πŸ“3 mins to Harapan bunda and Budi Kemuliaan Hospital
πŸ“5 mins to Harbourbay Terminal
πŸ“5 mins to Grand Batam Mall
πŸ“7 mins to BCS Mall
πŸ“7 mins to A2 Foodcourt

Get your offer now

Informasi Detail Hub :
Mike Richard +62852-7208-8239 Telegram :
WA :

Juju Goh – ε΄εŸΉε¦‚ +62852-7818-7218
WA :

KBS Property – Batam

Fb Page :

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Youtube channel :…/UCPJUuuJN47rVSFlaRDT…/featured

Informasi Proyek

Dijual Rumah Type 74/116 Lokasi Ko. Metro Regency – Tanjungpinang

Rp 350,000,000.00

Dijual Town House Type 136/54 Lokasi Jalan Bakar Batu – Tanjungpinang

Rp 300,000,000.00

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