Dijual Rumah The Home Southlink (Tiban) Type 144/272 – Batam

Rp 4,000,000,000.00

The Home Southlink (Tiban), Batam

Deskripsi Property

Dijual Rumah The Home Southlink (Tiban) Type 144/272 – Batam

Spesifikasi :
– Bangunan 144 m2 | Tanah 272 m2 | 2 Lantai | 3 Kamar Tidur | 2 Kamar Mandi | Full Keramik | Full Gypsum | Fully Furnish | Ada Dapur | Listrik 5500 Watt | Hadap Tenggara

Informasi Detail Hub :
Mike Richard +62852-7208-8239 https://t.me/mikekbs
Juju Goh – 吴培如 +62852-7818-7218 https://t.me/Jujugoh

KBS Property – Batam

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